The Original Surfers

Company Address

San Diego, CA 92121

Hi, we’re Kaila and Waian, we grew up in San Diego. We fell in love with the dolphins that swim right next to us when we’re in the ocean. When we learned that tens of thousands of dolphins are needlessly killed each year, we decided we had to stop it. So, we started The Original Surfers™. We’re dedicated to raising awareness of teens in order to protect and save dolphins, the ocean, and other marine animals, such as sea turtles, whales, seals, and the like. We recommend that you don’t miss The Original Surfers blog. You’ll see that we’re passionate about protecting the ocean the beach. You’ll see that we may be teens, but we’re teens that are protecting the ocean. You’ll see we’re really passionate about ocean pollution, such as sewage, and plastic pollution.
Contact Person:
Kaila Turley


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